Our fingerprints identify us and are used, in Europe today, by the authorities to track many of us.The day of a refugee can be defined by the tips of his or her fingers, given that the Dublin Regulation created a database of fingerprints for all of Europe for refugees and migrants. In As Far as My Fingertips Take Me, there is a meeting between the public and a performer which takes place through a wall. They don’t see each other, but their arms touch each other. The performer draws on each person’s arm, while at the same time, we can hear the voices of those who have recently defied discrimitation at the border.
27—29.09 11h—13h / 15h—17h
15 min. · M/12 · 6€ · Subject to reservation
Performance for one person at a time
As Far as My Fingertips Take Me
National Premiere
© Tania El Khoury
© Tania El Khoury
© Tania El Khoury
© Tania El Khoury
One-on-one performance by Tania El Khoury Performed by Basel Zaraa Song by Basel Zaraa (vocals, bass and keyboard), with Emily Churchill Zaraa (vocals), Pete Churchill (music production) and Katie Stevens (flute and clarinet) Commissioned by “On the Move” LIFT 2016 in partnership with Royal Court Theatre, London