The history of Nauru, a small island in the Pacific, which can be read as a parable of the modern era. After the discovery of a vast reserve of phosphate in its soil, the island became one of the richest countries on earth. Each piece of earth, each corner of the island was excavated and the phosphate extracted — until nothing remained and all of its natural resources were depleted. Today the Island is one of the poorest countries on earth and, to survive, takes in refugees from Australia in exchange for monetary compensation. What future remains for this place after such an ecological and economic devastation?
04.10 21h30
70 min. · M/12 · 6€ · Talk after the performance
In English with Portuguese Subtitles
Pleasant Island
National Premiere
By and with Silke Huysmans and Hannes Dereere Dramaturgy Dries Douibi Sound Mixing Lieven Dousselaere Technical Anne Meeussen & Piet Depoortere Production CAMPO Coproduction Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Spring Festival Utrecht, Beursschouwburg, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, Veem House For Performance, Spielart & De Brakke Grond Residencies Beursschouwburg, De Grote Post, Kaap, Kunstencentrum Buda, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, STUK & Veem House for Performance, LOD With the support of Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie Many thanks to all collocutors in Nauru