A notebook with several voices, on the path of the storytellers, in a spiral, joining memories of traditional Palestinian and Portuguese dances, family stories, of an entire village… Partilhas/Exchanges reads a notebook, dances, acts, in a space where the audience is audience, is a witness, is a character, a participant in the various voices of a single body, of a journey. In a world where different voices, multiplicity and diversity are increasingly supressed, this is a political and poetical piece.
27.09 17h | 28.09 18h30 *
75 min. · M/12 · 6€
* Talk after the performance
Partilhas / Exchanges
Artistic Direction, creation and performance Filipa Francisco Collaboration / Artistic residency Eleonora Fabião Dramaturgic Collaboration Gustavo Ciríaco Sound Design João Bento Technical Direction pedro fonseca/colectivo, ac Video Miguel Canaverde Production Sara Abrantes/ Materiais Diversos Texts Filipa Francisco, Alexandra Lucas Coelho, Thiago Florencio, Ailton Krenak Musical excerpts “Asi Era Ella”, written by Dilema y Murder / Batallones Femeninos; El-Funoun Dance Troupe; “Nome de Maria” (recording by Michel Giacometti) & “Fado do Ti Zé Luís” by the folklore group Os Camponeses de Riachos Co-production Materiais Diversos e Mundo em Reboliço Support Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fundação GDA Residencies Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Pólo Cultural Gaivotas – Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Companhia Olga Roriz – Palácio Pancas Palha, Casa da Dança de Almada, Teatro Extremo Technical Production Support 23 Milhas - Município de Ílhavo, colectivo, ac Acknowledgment A special thank you to the people from Água das Casas